Your Dog Deserves Better

We offer fear free training for a lifetime of trust!

About Us

With over 20+ of experience in dog training, our trainer, Sharon Mathers, PMCT, began her journey using traditional aversive techniques before discovering the profound benefits of force-free, positive reinforcemen methods. Although shock collars, prong collars and other pressure-based tehniques can produce results, they do so at the cost of breaking the trust your dog has in you. Our commitment to humane, science-basd training let her to become a Pat Miller Certified  Trainer, specializing in helpind dogs overcome fear, anxiety, and agression by addressing the root casues of their behavior. By prioritizing trust, communication, and compassion, we empower both dogs and their owners to build a stronger, more harmonious bond – without the use of fear, force, or pain.

Take the first step and let us do the rest.

Private in-person sessions, virtual coaching, or specialized behavior consultations, our force-free approach ensures effective, long-term results without intimidation.

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